Living, Politics

A Danish heritage “hygge” community that is far from being hygge

I recently announced in an online group titled “Danish Heritage and Hygge” that I am seeking a representative who is living in Denmark to participate in the organization Nordic Republicans. Yes, the post mentioned a political party, but it was written in a neutral manner with the sole purpose of networking – it did not mention any politically driven message at all. Several appalling responses from many members of the group came in, and have convinced me the group is far from presenting what I consider to be “hygge,” and is even a dark shadow of Danish heritage groups.


“Hygge” is a word of Danish and Norwegian origin, and is said to be where the word “hug” comes from. While there is no set definition of hygge, it tends to be a word used to generally describe togetherness and coziness, as in being in a positive and homey state of mind. Hygge is often associated with calming images like sitting by a fire in a cabin.

After posting in the group someone responded, “Not hyggeligt!,” and another chimed in, “Definitely not!” Other responses included, “Not cool!,” “Admin please delete,” “Danes – Just ‘Say No.'” Someone had the tenacity to say, “Politics and especially american republican politics have nothing to do with hygge or Danish heritage.” Another said, “Again… I’d rather hear about what you think is hygge… and for a majority of us here, American politics are not hyggeligt.” Needless to say, I felt like I had been called to the guillotine.


What is more bizarre about this group is how it is associated with “Danish heritage.” Should I assume anyone taking interest in “Danish heritage” is going to be like these people who are quick to judge and resort to urging admins to delete a neutral post that they do not agree with from the group? Of course I understand I should not shut the door on Danish heritage groups based on the negative responses I encountered, but I will not feel comfortable when conversing with them.

Thankfully one person jumped into the thread and acknowledged I was simply trying to connect with others, not trying to start a political war. A couple people even said they were interested in the opportunity and wish they met qualifications. Interesting how these people would have never been heard if admins were quick to follow the orders of the dictator members. Eventually, though, the post was deleted.

I hope people can move forward in understanding not everyone thinks alike, or is subscribed to the same political party. I hope people in hygge communities also give more thought to what “hygge” means, because I certainly do not get a hygge vibe from them.

Lauren Ell is an American blogger born and raised in Southern California and is currently based in Sweden. She discusses Epilepsy, Politics and Fun. Professionally Ell is an Online Marketing Consultant and Virtual Assistant. She is also founder and president of Republican Atheists and GunSafetySociety.org. Connect with Lauren on Facebook and Twitter.