Rotary is an organization that can be found all over the world in over 200 countries. Members of Rotary are called Rotarians, and they tend to take great pride in being a member of the respected organization. In the United States every city usually has its own Rotary club, and larger cities may have multiple Rotary clubs to serve the population. There is a good chance that you may have seen Rotary’s logo, a wheel, somewhere in your community.
Rotary’s motto is “We are people of action.” Its website notes, “Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create long lasting change – across the globe, in communities and in ourselves.” The organization has existed for over 110 years and continues to grow as more people learn about what it does.
Recently a Rotary update popped up on my Facebook feed noting that a Rotary club had accomplished building a park for a community in the United States. I was amazed that an organization like Rotary successfully built a park when most people tend to assume that parks are the sole duty of local government.
It dawned on me that Rotary, and similar member operated organizations, are a great alternative to developing communities when the government lags behind. As Rotary’s motto says, “We are a people of action,” so projects can be accomplished faster when a group of minds voluntarily come together to accomplish a goal. Indeed, Rotarians work voluntarily and commit time to projects based on passion and commitment, so they can be effective in completing projects when the government is not.
There are nearly 35,000 Rotary clubs all over the world. Rotary is divided into three groups: Interact, Rotaract and Rotary. Interact is for ages 12-18, Rotaract is for ages 18-30, and Rotary is for all ages over 18. To become involved a person must find a local club, let the club know he or she is interested, be invited by a Rotarian, and then wait to become an official member. Those who are members, or “Rotarians,” can attend meetings and assist with projects.
Rotary offers a wonderful opportunity for people to come together to accomplish projects to improve their communities. Rotary not only assists communities in advanced western nations, but also in developing countries where communities need basic necessities such as water, electricity and housing. You can register for Rotary’s email updates and follow the organization on social media to see the amazing work they do.
Additionally, Rotary hosts a fantastic foreign exchange program for young adults all over the world, called Rotary International Youth Exchange. It is geared towards young people between the age of 15 to 18. I highly recommend young people who take interest in traveling abroad to look into the program. I participated in the program when I was 18 and can say it is one of the most memorable experiences I have ever had in my life.
Lauren Ell is an American blogger born and raised in Southern California and is currently based in Sweden. She discusses Epilepsy, Politics and Fun. Professionally Ell is an Online Marketing Consultant and Virtual Assistant. She is also founder and president of Republican Atheists and Connect with Lauren on Facebook and Twitter.