The teenagers had spray painted a historic school house for black children with graffiti, primarily swastikas, dinosaurs, sexual images, “white power,” and “brown power.” The judge determined that the boys should read specific books about racism and anti-Semitism to understand the seriousness of the crime they had committed. While this seems like a promising idea, it actually opens up serious conflict in regards to government managed indoctrination.
What is further surprising about this case is that not only were the criminals required to be exposed to selected material, but their families were as well. The judge ordered that the criminal’s parents must visit museums and watch movies with them, which means there’s a possibility that even their siblings will be exposed to the material.
If this form of punishment becomes more commonplace, one must wonder what kind of content will criminals and their families be exposed to as time goes on? What books will fit the bill of being required reading material, and who will choose them?
There is already forced indoctrination occurring in the public education system where students are required to read specific books and view movies chosen by school officials who are more likely to be registered Democrats or lean left in their political views. [See video “Searching for the Elusive Republican Professor on American University Campuses”].With the justice system forcing criminals and their families to read and watch specific material, it becomes yet another outlet for forced indoctrination.
A similar case that is much more bizarre occurred in Italy in September 2016 when a judge sentenced a teenage girl, who happened to be the victim, to read 30 feminist books to “understand the damage that had been done to her as a woman, instilling feminist values.” The girl was a part of a prostitution ring and was sentenced to required reading after a 35-year-old man was found to be paying her for sex. Oddly, the offender was sentenced to two years in prison with no required reading.
In this case one must question what exactly qualifies as “feminist” books and who chooses them? Why was the victim forced to do required reading and the offender was not?
Who knows what the US justice system may require criminals and their families to be exposed to in the future. Perhaps material praising Karl Marx and Obama? I wouldn’t be surprised if that became the case.
Lauren Ell is an American blogger born and raised in Southern California and is currently based in Sweden. She discusses Epilepsy, Politics and Fun. Professionally Ell is an Online Marketing Consultant and Virtual Assistant. She is also founder and president of Republican Atheists. Connect with Lauren on Facebook and Twitter.